
Name: Mimi
Appearance: Super Information Hijinks: Reality Check!
Creators: Tavisha Wolfgarth and Rosarik Rikki
Type: Cat/Virtual Entity
Genre: Science Fiction
Personal Data: Mimi is the sister of Catreece but has a grudge about her. The reason seems probably stemming from Mimi shredding Catreece's favorite blanket when they were kittens.
Mimi got her online identity by sleeping under a TVR helmet while it was active. While online, she stumbled across an old internet hermit who taught her the arts of programming.
Note 1: Did you already realized the astonishing resemblency between Mimi and her creator Tavisha?

Tavisha's self-portrait
Tavisha's self-portrait

Note 2: see also Catreece.
More Info: Super Information Hijinks: Reality Check! - The nearly-official hompage

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