
Name: Sachiko
Alias: Sachi
Appearance: the story "Reiko and Kenji:Slayers of Darkness"
Creator: Topo Starlight
Type: Creature of the Dark(otherwords, a demon type creature)
Genre: Horror, Comedy, etc.
Personal Data: Sachi is a mysterious catgirl(creature of the dark) that Reiko and Kenji meet at some old ruins. She is almost always happy, but when she's not happy she's angry. She barely ever gets serious or sad. She terribly annoys Reiko by floating around and disapearing and reapearing when she pleases. No one really knows about her past, except for Hiroshi (a man who always wears a cloak and also joins Reiko and Kenji). Even when anyone tries to ask she just shrugs and changes the subject.
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