Wendy Zarate-Oreamuno

Name: Wendy Zarate-Oreamuno
Alias: La Gata de Puerto Rasca (Puerto Rasca's Kitty), la Tigresa de Green Fields (the Green Fields' Tigress).
Appearance: She appears on the "Aventuras de la Gata de Puerto Rasca y su Amante y Camarada el Perse++", a series of short stories (only in Spanish and not edited on Internet), about the adventures of Wendy and her lover in the islands of Zorrivia and Eltonia, first on the nightclubs of Zorrivia, and after, as soldiers of the Republic of Zorrivia, intervening in several military operations, against the Eltonians.
Creator: Walter Calvo-Canossa, a.k.a. uzi_narkiss.
Type: She is a human being, with catlike blue eyes.
Genre: War, humour, and may be, erotic to some degree.
Personal Data: She is a Costa Rican (and proletarian) woman, emigrated with her (single) mother to Zorrivia, at 15. When she was sixteen years old, she became a sucessfull strip teaser on the Alhambra nightclub, as an act of rebellion against the highly conservative norms of her mother. She enjoyed the oportunities of sex for a time, and had several lovers, some good, some bad, and then she had known Werner Kanisza (Perse++), an agnostical Jewish computer student and writer, and they became friends.
But tired of being used (and known) as a sex tool and with desire of being a more powerful person, she went to the Zorrivian Army, when she became 18, with the support and conradeship of Perse++. She served on the Regimiento Tropical, where learned how to fight on humid jungles and at mountain lands, but suffered the harrasment and arbitrariety of the inhuman sergeant Necartoga. This experience prepared her to her service on the Batallón Extranjero from the Special Forces Brigade, then she took the Training Course of Commandos, at 21. Approved by her training, she served as a sergeant on the Batallón Paracaidista (Airborne Batallion), accompanied by Werner, who also became a good airborne sergeant, and participated with him in reprisal sorties against troops of Eltonia that harassed the Zorrivian inhabitants of the frontier island of Thriller Rock. She also knows how to repair and rebuild firearms, specially the Russian ones (Zorrivia was an ally of the Soviet Union).
As a note, both are Communists, Werner before he was involved on the nightclubs' realm, and Wendy, two months before she left the Alhambra (Wendy had troubles with the manager, an exploiter, and she sent hin to the Hell). Their affair has begun a little before Perse++ participated in his first combat on Thriller Rock: Wendy fell in love with the intelectual, eccentric and poetic Hebrew warrior, and Werner has loved her secretly, since he saw her the first time on Alhambra.
As a good feline, Wendy is good hunter, and an agile fighter. She loves and fights with passion, and is also very smart with numbers, and considers to study engineering. She cooks well, as her mother, Costa Rican foods, and feels care of her Costa Rica, and, despite her beauty (a thing she is concscious of), is a hard and resolute handworker. Also (why not?), is a well known Femminist, despite her sweetness and her sentimental and romantic side. Her ideal of a man is Antonio Banderas. And last, but not least, she is, as many Costa Ricans, descendant of Sefardi (Spanish) Jews that escaped the Holy Inquisition and colonized Costa Rica.
More Info: http://www.geocities.com/uzi_narkiss/english/eIndex.html

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