Name: Neko-chan
Appearance: AnimeMUCK
Creator: -Anonymous-
Type: Humanoid catbeing
Genre: Fantasy
Personal Data: Neko-chan's birth is a mystery to even
herself. Living in a jungle by a near a city, she was raised
by wildcats. She was born with a few particular skills and
characteristics, other than those of her appearance. She is
able run at speeds exceeding any other living being in the
planet, her hearing surpassed those of any feline, her eye
sight and night vision are as that of a jungle cat, and she
has the ability to morph into a kitten at will of thought.
Apparently the fact that she has only spent a fraction of her
life in her feline form, she remains to be a young kitten
while in this state. She was never given a name at birth for
obvious reasons, so she was always referred to by the name
that first came to mind, such as Kitty or Kitten... but a
name that she was referred by from one of her first
encounters with humans, Neko-chan, became the name which she
quickly adopted and loves.
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