Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- 800kg; 5d6 [2]
23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8 / DCV: 8
20 CON 20 13-
13 BODY 6 12-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 11-
6/21 EGO -8 10-/13- ECV: 2 / 7
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
16 COM 3 12-
9 PD 4 Total: 9 PD
7 ED 3 Total: 7 ED
4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
9 REC 0
40 END 0 Values after the slash are
36 STUN 0 from implanted cyberware
Total Characteristics Cost: 97
Movement: Running: 6" / 12"
Superleap: 10" / 20"
Swimming: 2" / 4"
Powers & Skills
Combat Training:
16 Combat Skill Levels: +2 w/Combat
20 Martial Arts -- Hard Wired Lynx Training
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage
Backhand +1 +3 6d6 Strike
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Escape +0 +0 45 STR vs Grab
Punch / Snap Kick +2 +0 8d6 Strike
Takedown +1 +1 6d6 Strike; Target Falls
Implanted Cyberware
40 Cranial Computer: Computer (INT: 15, DEX: 15, Speed: 3,
35 points devoted to skills and programs), Fragile
(-1/4), Cybersystem (-1/4)
8 Data Jack - Level 3: +3 with all computer related
skills, Requires accessible datacable (-1/2), Requires DNI
capable computer (-0), Cybersystem (-1/4)
6 Impact Compensator - Level 1: Aid, 2d6 to Stun, Trigger
- User takes Stun, Self Only, Only to starting values,
6 Uses, Cybersystem (-1/4)
4 Recovery Augmenter - Level 1: Aid, 2d6 to Recovery,
Self Only, 4 charges, Cybersystem (-1/4)
11 Self-Will Biochip: Ego: +15, Costs END, Cybersystem
(-1/4), Limited Conscious Control (-1), Triggered
automatically by extreme stress, interrogation or by
entering into cyberspace.
Implanted Skills:
8 Running: +4" (10" Total), END 2
5 Superleap: +5" (10" forward, 5" upward), END 1
3 Acrobatics 14-
3 Breakfall 14-
7 Computer Programming 15-
0 English, Native
4 Japanese, Native
4 KS: Computer Virus Construction and Programming 14-
3 KS: Cyberspace 13-
2 KS: Cyberware Systems 11-
4 KS: Medicine 14-
3 Paramedic 13-
3 PS: Computer Programmer 13-
3 PS: Nurse 13-
3 SC: Cyberware Systems 13-
3 Seduction 12-
3 Stealth 14-
2 WF: Small Arms
169 Total Powers & Skills Cost
263 Total Character Cost
Disadvantages: 100+
5 Distinctive Features: Lynx Class Security Synthetic,
Cat-like ears, Electric Blue Hair
20 Hunted: Poseidon Interactive, more powerful, NCI, 8-
15 Physical Limitation: Split Personality (Flamboyant /
Psychological Limitation:
20 Subservient and Docile, Easily Commanded
15 Thrillseeker and Risktaker
10 Wants to be Accepted as 'Normal'
10 Reputation: Lynx Class Security Synthetic (ie. Tough
and Stupid) 11-
5 Rivalry: Other Net 'Hackers'
63 Experience
163 Total Disadvantage Points
Of the hundreds of synthetics produced each year, none are more
popular than the Mitsumi Puma and Lynx models. Used for more than just
combat related duties, these models can be found just about anywhere,
serving as assistants, bodyguards, couriers, personal aides and
secretaries. This fact led Graves Electronics Corporation to plan and
execute a most ingenious plan of industrial espionage against Poseidon
Interactive, their closest rival in the lucrative market of electronic
entertainment devices..
The idea was for Graves Electronics Corporation to replace a Poseidon
Interactive synthetic with an identical model that had been
reprogrammed with certain instructions. After a designated period of
time passed, this double-agent would infiltrate Poseidon's
manufacturing process, planting time-released computer viruses into
Poseidon's computer system. These viruses would then subtly alter the
program instructions found in Poseidon's extensive line of simulated
sensory modules, causing a wide
assortment of interface problems.
The plan was a startling success. Temple, Graves Electronics's altered
replacement, was designated to work in the cybernetics division of
Poseidon's research and development department. She performed her
duties flawlessly, and executed the desired computer intrusions
without a hitch. But it seemed that Graves Electronics had designed
Temple's programming too well. She had grown addicted to the rush of
running the
world's cyberspace network and continued to infiltrate both Poseidon
Interactive's computer systems as well as the systems of rival
companies. Eventually, Temple's activities were discovered and she was
forced to flee the Poseidon Interactive manufacturing complex.
A short time later, Temple was picked up by agents of Avatar working in
the Free State of California, and she eventually became a member of the
Kazei Five team. Now, she serves the team as a field medic and as an
assistant nurse to Doctor Kenwood Muldowney.
Temple's Self-Will Biochip has caused a number of unexpected personality
developments. Chief among this is Temple's recognition of her existence
for what it is. Unlike most synthetics, which accept their status without
question, Temple realizes that she is an artificially grown being and can
never be accepted as a normal human. This has caused a great deal of
internal stress, as she questions the reasons for her existence as well as
the motivations for her acceptance by those around her.
A further complication is that Temple is still not fully free of her
original Lynx programming and is often very docile and submissive, unable
to say "no" to most requests made of her. In excessively stressful
situations, the Self-Will Biochip will activate, causing her to act in a
more aggressive and confident manner, taking risks that she would normally
Temple's greatest desire is to be accepted as (in her words) "Temple the
Person," as opposed to "Temple the Lynx" or "Temple the Nurse." The fact
that most people look upon her as a tool (an intelligent tool, but a tool
none-the-less) hurts her deeply. Her happiest moments are when she is with
the few people whom she calls her friends. These are people who accept her
as an individual, and not as a product.
"I am a Mitsumi Lynx, serial number 3715-A1-201, incept date
22-09-28. I am programmed to be a medical assistant, and am familiar with
a wide range of cybersurgery procedures. How can I help you?"
"Look at my hair, my ears... how can I ever be accepted as a person?"
<blam!... blam!... blam!> "Take that!... oh... I'm sorry."
As a Lynx class replicant, Temple possesses all the standard engineering
features of her model line. She is significantly stronger, faster and
tougher than a normal, unmodified human. Implanted, hardwired martial arts
training makes her an effective hand-to-hand combatant, and she is capable
of using a wide variety of firearms.
To aid her in her espionage mission, Temple was equipped with a number of
specialized cyberware systems. Most of these systems were slightly
modified versions of her originally specified equipment in order to
prevent detection. These systems include a Cranial Computer specifically
programmed to aid her in cyberspace intrusion and viral programming, a
high speed Data Jack for efficent Net access, as well as an Impact
Compensator, and a Recovery Augmenter in case of unforeseen
difficulties. Finally, a specialized biochip was implanted that would
override her natural Lynx programming in cases of great stress, allowing
her to act with more self-confidence and independence than most other
Normally, Temple does not wear any armor or carry a sidearm. If needed,
she will usually don an Armored Jacket, and carry a .454 Casull. If
required to be a combat operative, Temple will wear medium-weight Body
Armor, and carry an assault rifle, showing a marked preference for
high-caliber weapons that have a large ammunition capacity (such as the
Jinsei M-60 or M-100).
Temple is a Mitsumi Lynx Class Security Synthetic, a rather common and
popular line of replicants designed for a wide range of tasks. As with all
Lynxes, Temple stands about 5'10" and weighs about 140 lbs with a trim,
well-proportioned build. Her waist-length hair is a bright electric blue,
a sharp contrast to her soft blue eyes, and she possesses the distinctive
cat-like ears common to both Lynx and Puma synthetics. A good way to judge
Temple's reactions to people and situations is by her ears: the flatter
they are, the more unhappy she is.
Outwardly, Temple is quiet and reserved and usually dresses in a simple,
black, one-piece bodysuit, with matching boots. Over this she wears a
tan, short-sleeved jacket that covers her to about mid-thigh. Her hair is
bound at the back of her neck and worn in a simple ponytail.
When under the influence of the Self-Will Biochip, Temple will become
flushed, her breathing will become rapid, she will sweat heavily, and she
will often act in a reckless manner. As soon as the situation is resolved
and the Biochip shuts down, Temple will revert to her normal personality,
often apologizing for any destructive actions she's just committed.
Campaign Notes:
Temple presents a rather interesting and complex character. Taken as
written, she makes for a useful addition to the Kazei Five team, as well
as presenting a synthetic point of view to society. Her true background
should be left a mystery for the Players to slowly uncover over the course
of play. Other options would be to make her an adversary, possibly trying
to get revenge on either Graves Electronics or Poseidon Interactive, or
even going so far as to try to destroy the replicant trade by using her
knowledge of net hacking and virus construction to alter the programming
of commercially produced synthetics.